Why Our LOG PACKAGES Set The Industry Standard!
The term “Log Package” can mean many things, depending on which log home company you speak with. Some offer a la carte items. Others offer more amenities. Here at Montana Custom Log Homes, Inc., we strive to ensure that we offer every customer the most complete, easily understood Log package available. Our Milled Log Package […]
A Greener Way To Build
Why log homes are considered a “Greener way to build.” Being “Green” or environmentally conscious and building a new home doesn’t sound like they go hand in hand. Still, the truth is, they can, especially when you factor in constructing a Log Home and being “green” when building takes into account your lot design, preparation […]
Happy Spring 2019!
Happy Spring, everyone! We are gearing up for construction seasons across the country and wanted to reach out to all our architects, builders, and homeowners in preparation for this busy time. Our shops have been operational this past winter, with several homes in final production for their March and April deliveries. Milled Log Homes The […]
How Do We Mill Consistent Diameter Logs?
Our Milled Log Homes are made with logs that have a consistent diameter. If the customer wants 10-inch logs, all the logs on both ends are 10 inches. The taper in the tree is removed so the logs are uniform and stack easily together. Folks ask us how we do this, and we are happy […]
Log Homes: Montana Custom Log Homes, Inc.
We love what we do here at Montana Custom Log Homes! Our Milled Log Homes are now available in Western Red Cedar, traditional Lodge Pole Pine, and Spruce. Put the LONG LOG ADVANTAGE to work for you for a budget-friendly, long-lasting, and beautiful log home. Customize one of our plans or bring us your ideas. […]